2017 Honey Details

2017 was a building year for our bees. The colonies were newly made in the spring of 2017, and the first year for a colony is always an unknown. The goal in that first year is to nurture the colony so it can get to the second year. We only take excess honey from a colony, and most of our colonies did not produce enough honey to harvest. In the end, we only took honey from 2 colonies.

The honey is very light in color, and it flows exceptionally well. The honey is wonderful for spreading on bread and biscuits.

This year’s honey is award winning! It took the blue ribbon for light colored extracted honey at the Oregon State Fair.

Total weight harvested: 52lbs (832 oz)

Weight: 16 fl oz = 22 oz


  • 5 Quarts (Net Wt. 42 oz each)
  • 9 Pints (Net Wt. 22 oz each)
  • 9 Queenline 1-lb (Net Wt. 16 oz each)
  • 29 Baby Bears
  • 8 Jars of various sizes for family and friends

Water content: 17.2% (Perfect!)

Color: White (by the Pfund Scale)

Awards: 1st Place: Extracted Honey – Light Color; Oregon State Fair.


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