Our Honey

About our 2018 Harvest

To be honest, we expected a larger harvest this year. 10 of 13 colonies successfully overwintered, which is a great success! So we expected the bees to have time to build up and produce honey like the bee champs they are. Unfortunately for us, that just didn’t happen. Our priority is the health of our bees, and we only harvest what the bees can spare. This year, we harvested from 2 colonies.

The honey is a beautiful light amber, and it flows nice and slow. The honey is delicious, and quintessential Oregon blackberry honey. It is wonderful for spreading on bread and biscuits, although my grandmother chose to eat her jar of honey straight from a spoon.

This year’s honey is award winning! It took the blue ribbon for light colored extracted honey and it won best of the honey division at the Oregon State Fair!

Total weight harvested: 52lbs (832 oz)

Weight: 16 fl oz = 22 oz


  • 5 Quarts (Net Wt. 42 oz each)
  • 9 Pints (Net Wt. 22 oz each)
  • 9 Queenline 1-lb (Net Wt. 16 oz each)
  • Inverted Queenline 1-lb (Net Wt. 16 oz each)
  • 29 Baby Bears (Net Wt. 2oz each)
  • 8 Jars of various sizes for family and friends

Water content: 17.2% (Perfect!)

Color: Light Amber (by the Pfund Scale)

Awards: 1st Place: Extracted Honey – Light Color; Best of Division: Extracted Honey Oregon State Fair.


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